Salty, Sour, Bitter and Sweet
Your mouth registers four "tastes" (well, really, 5, but we'll discuss the 5th in another installment).
Salt not only enhances flavor (always put a dash into desserts!), but stimulates thirst AND appetite.
Bitter foods cleanse the palate and cut richness and sweetness. Ever tasted cinnamon by itself?
Sour ingredients sate thirst, and "refresh" the palate. The basis of sour is acid. If you're lacking that "champagne vinegar" the fancy recipe calls for, don't panic. Create your own recipe by adding a reasonable substitute like rice vinegar, or lemon juice (stay away from apple cider or balsamic until you're comfortable with what you're doing - they're too distinctive!)
Sweet foods make you feel full (hence dessert is at the end of dinner!) (well, most of the time ). Sugar balances the 3 other tastes (think sugar and tomatoes).
In fact, the four sensations in your mouth all balance each other. A well designed menu incorporates all of these taste sensations for a fully satisfying meal. We at Lula's pride ourselves on that total "love in your mouth"!