Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day
As I write this newsletter, my daddy is sitting in a hospital waiting to go home. He’s been there several days after a collapse at home and a diagnoses of pneumonia. This is his second hospitalization for pneumonia this year and naturally, everyone in the family is concerned. Daddy has an amazing spirit, though, and I’d like to share some of the things that keep him going:Daddy is very slow to anger, but when he blows, find the nearest cast iron bathtub to crouch down in. For daddy, explosion is sometimes the best medicine.Daddy would rather be on the water (ON, not IN) than ANYwhere else in the world. Preferably in silence.Daddy is a man of few words (hence the silence above).At 83, Daddy still races in regattas, and still wins.Clint Eastwood looks a great deal like my daddy.Daddy has a very dry sense of humour, and he’s so slick you don’t even know that sometimes it’s directed AT you.Daddy has a hard time saying no to the people he loves. This makes them love him more.Daddy is a well respected Harley “dude”, at 82 graduating from a Heritage Softail to a Freewheeler Trike.Once daddy makes a promise, you can count on it. You can really count on my dad.Daddy hobnobs with some extremely hi-falutin’ people. You’d never know it. Daddy’s never thrown a name around (Jimmy Buffet for one) or tried to impress anyone with his connections (Russian Olympic Sailing Team, America’s Cup winners, Silicon Valley billionaires). As you can see I am not above throwing names around on behalf of my daddy.Daddy doesn’t get to indulge in his favorite foodstuffs very often anymore because of his health problems, so in honor of him this Father’s Day, Lula’s is offering some of the things he loves. Click here to see Lula's for Lunch...and More! father's day menu. I love you daddy, and I miss you!