Anytime, Food, Nutrition, Tips

The Grocery Guide...Misleading Labels Part 5 "Organic"

Anytime, Food, Nutrition, Tips

There are two USDA seals – Organic, and Made with Organic Ingredients.  The first, Organic, is allowed to be on foodstuffs that have 95% or more of their ingredients organically produced – that is to say, without synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and no GM (genetically modified) ingredients.  If the label says “Made with Organic Ingredients” then the requirements are 70% instead of 95%.  I know many farmers who do not wish to pay for such designations, and farm organically.  The best way to be sure is to shop locally at your farmer’s market and ask the man (or woman) who has had their hands in the dirt.  These people are proud of what they do and will share, with integrity, their methods.  At Lula’s for Lunch…and More! Catering we use lots of “organic” stuff – either from our garden, or family member’s gardens, or from the market.  But not all of it is labeled organic.  And I’m comfortable with that!  Enjoy this picture of Lula's Organic Crispy Tuscan Kale.