
Go Reds! Ballpark Casserole On the Menu!


Psychotic Cincinnati weather and the Cincinnati Reds have provoked this week's menu to offer a mix of comfort food and spring offerings. Floyd the Psycho Pug cannot get ENOUGH of being outside, enjoying the crisp air, sunshine, and WIND...his nose has been working overtime the past few days!  The sunshine and air has made me want to fire up the grill, and baseball season dictates just THAT - our Ballpark Casserole with Beer Basted Grilled Mets, Brats, Sweet Peppers & Onions mixed in with Roasted Potatoes and a layer of CHEEEEEESE.  I've taken my memories of stadium food from Cincinnati and Chicago and melded the two - mixing Italian Beef condiments with our Germanic sausages.  You trust me, right?!?  You SHOULD by now!Easter kinda put me in the mood for some Truffled Egg Salad, and brunchy quiche offerings: Smoked Salmon & Gournay with Tomato, and Chorizo & Sweet Pepper.  As an aside, I wrote a really fun blog a couple of years ago at Easter time about eggs & Easter traditions - you can access it here.Of course that's not all...check out the menu  to see what surprises await: Chicken Poppyseed Casserole is back and we're using up all the spring asparagus we can find in our Shrimp & Asparagus Risotto (beautiful pic below).We've got the windows open airing out the stale winter air, just in time to put the heat back on again... life is good - I hope you'll be able to safely enjoy your friends and family this Easter Season!

A Note From Chef Lorilori@Lulasforlunch.com ; 859-360-0251

Get Spring Asparagus while it lasts!! Our fresh, lemony risotto with garlic shrimp & asparagus is to die for.It turns out a Lula's Gift Certificate for Family Meal Delivery OR Catering at a later date to be mailed or emailed in any denomination you want has been popular so I'm going to continue to offer these whenever you want to treat a family member or friend, or send a thank you to a customer!  Email or call and we'll take care of it - right down to mailing.  Click here to visit our website!