Eat the BLUE in that BERRY!
OK, let's get all sciency about blueberries. Because it's important. Blueberries may just be the #1 Super Food...and we all need to take advantage of THAT! Here are a couple of reasons why:
- Our bodies are incapable of producing several essential antioxidants, and you get a dose of all three of these when you eat a handful of blueberries: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and the mineral Manganese.
- Blueberries slow aging, fight disease, and provide the same bacteria blocking action that cranberries do to help prevent urinary tract infections.
- Compounds in blueberries help prevent all kinds of dementia.
Blueberries are available year round in the supermarket - no, they're not as fabulous as going out and picking them yourself in July, but you have NO EXCUSE to not eat them year round and HELP YOU BE A BETTER YOU!Lula's for Lunch...and More! Catering utilizes blueberries in salads, barbeque sauces, and of course, desserts, to give you a few ideas...while you're conjuring up your own please salivate to the picture of our Lemon Shortbread with Blueberry Floris Compote above!