Have YOUR Tastebuds Changed?
Seriously - I'd like some information here. I didn't even like to EAT (except bread and butter and canned peaches if my granddaddy hand fed me) until I was 9 years old. I used to hide what I didn't like in my toybox or under the living room sofa until the smell elicited the hairbrush on my fanny. Once that growth spurt hit though, I could barely be satisfied though there were a handful of things I did not like, and continue to not care for to this day...okra, oatmeal, cream of wheat, oysters, and something else I can't think of at the moment. I also have never cared for mayonnaise or avocado, UNTIL a few years ago when my tastebuds changed and now I adore both. Weird how that happens, huh? Lula's for Lunch...and More! Catering even has a homemade Avocado Mayonnaise that I make for sandwiches and garnish!! What did YOU not like that you like now? Can you explain why? Let me know RIGHT HERE!