Here's the "Skinny" on Sweets (NOT!)
For the next few weeks I'm going to prime you on sugar in all its forms. We're going to start with the "dry" - a 5 part series, and head into liquid - a 7 part series. Let's start with what you have in your cupboard/on your counter (at least I do - as bad as sugar is for you I want my white granulated sugar in my coffee every morning!!) Because everything coming out of my kitchen is scratch, I don't feel so badly about the tablespoon or two of the refined white stuff I have every day, because there are no "hidden" sugars in the other stuff I make.GRANULATED WHITE SUGAR: refined from either cane or beets, is the most versatile of all sweeteners - with no distinct flavor of its own. We can substitute other stuff if we like but this most ubiquitous of sugars is a staple in every home, for use in baked goods AND savory cooking - it (as do all sugars) tempers acidity in some foods like tomato sauce, and aids in browning in baked goods like bread. I just have to add another pic because it's too good not to. This is the "love", folks! :)