A "Salty" Topic
Oh! I could get technical on you...but let's not. All salt is sea salt. Mineral salt (the kind you shake on your food, whether it's been iodized or not) is really old sea salt that has been "mined" from sea deposits left millenia ago.Stuff labeled sea salt is "raked" (alot more to that but again, let's not) from fresh deposits, is kissed by the sun, and is flakier. Trace residual seawater mineral content left at certain "levels" of the salt bed result in salt that can look, smell, and taste a bit different to accomplished palates, hence, gray salt or pink salt or any other color.The way a salt crystal is shaped results in how it is perceived on the tongue (flavor). If you cook with expensive salts like Fleur de sel you're TOTALLY wasting your money - when salt dissolves you can't tell the difference. Get a bang for your buck and impress your table with a little bowl of whatever flaky sea salt you enjoy, and sprinkle the crystals on your finished plate, and you will totally enjoy the flavor burst in your mouth. I wish for you some yummy in your tummy! - Lula