EGGS...The Mystery Unfolds...
With Easter upon us it’s a fun time to find out answers to some of the questions we ask about eggs: *It takes a hen 24 to 26 hours to produce an egg. Thirty minutes later, she starts all over again! *Eggshells have around 17,000 pores that can absorb flavors and odors. It’s best to store them in cartons to prevent absorbing these “outside influences”. This picture is of eggs from Gordon's dad's farm.White shelled eggs are produced by hens with white feathers and white earlobes. Brown shelled eggs are produced by hens with red feathers and red earlobes. Hens can produce EVERY color in between depending on their genetic color coding – to include baby blue, pink, orange, yellow, etc.!!Egg yolks are one of the few foods that naturally contain Vitamin D. *Yolk color depends on the diet of the hen. Natural yellow-orange substances such as marigold petals may be added to light-colored feeds to enhance colors. Artificial color additives are not permitted. That’s why you can tell if a hen was fed a good diet or allowed to range freely, when the yolk is a deeper color. *Occasionally, a hen will produce double-yolked eggs throughout her egg laying career. It is unusual, but not too rare, for a young hen to produce an egg with no yolk at all!During the spring equinox, it is said that an egg will stand on its small end. Although some people have reported success, it is not known whether such results were due to the equinox or to the peculiarities of that particular egg.-Edited and reprinted from, of all places, Lula’s for Lunch…and More! Catering ‘s fabulous MECHANIC – ERNIE’S GARAGE!!!!! You can find more fun stuff like this at and to reach us, click here