Nuts about Almonds
Shelling out for a bag of almonds might not be a bad idea if you need to lower your cholesterol. Almonds are recognized as a cholesterol-lowering food; studies also show that they can reduce the risk of heart disease.One ounce of almonds, about 25 nuts, contains 164 calories and 1.10 grams of saturated fat. That same ounce is also a good source of protein, potassium, vitamin E, and magnesium, and has no cholesterol.The "ancients" seemed to already know these facts. Ancient desert nomads combined almonds with chopped dates, bits of pistachios, sesame oil, and breadcrums and rolled them into balls. The world's first trail mix!!King Tut apparently knew the nutritional value of almonds. Several handfuls of them accompanied him into the tomb, perhaps to nourish him on his post-life journey.Lula's for Lunch...and More! Catering uses all KINDS of nuts in every way possible. We LOVE them for their deliciousness and their nutritional value. We always label our foods that contain nuts, however, for our clients that may have nut sensitivities .