
Virginia Wineries


There are hundreds of wineries in Virginia, and we managed to visit only 5 during our September trip.   Nice work if you can get it.  Regional wineries are really coming of age with local grapes in the limelight.  Thomas Jefferson was the nation's first vintner, bringing back vitis vinifera from France.  The Shenandoah Valley and Central Virginia regions have excellent luck with the Viognier grape as well as Chardonnay.  Some wineries are producing excellent Pinot Blanc as well.  For the reds, Merlot grows well here, a well as Cabernet Franc and  Chambourcin (not for everyone's palate, but good with chocolate!).  The Norton grape is grown only in Virginia and is a local favorite.  This grape produces successful sweet, as well as dry, wines - unusual.  Two standout wineries - Blenheim (owned by Dave Matthews by the way of the Dave Matthews Band - they try to keep this quiet for some reason!) and Barboursville... I felt "connected" to the grapes and the land while at Blenheim ( www.Blenheimvineyards.com ) .  Barboursville wines ( www.Barboursvillecellars.com ) are as elegant as the surroundings.  Another standout - Gabriele Rausse's french style Chardonnay -not to miss a glass if it's on a menu...this winery is not open to the public.  Any questions if you're visiting VA - ask me at lori@lulasforlunch.com