Misleading Labels - The Skinny on Sugar
Reduced Sugar, Low Sugar, No Sugar Added … Which of these terms is regulated by the FDA? Only “Reduced Sugar”. This means the product has to contain 25% less sugar than it’s original form (ex., Reduced Sugar Apple Sauce)The other two are basically meaningless – as “no sugar added” could be on a HONEY label and be “legal”. What’s important to know is how many grams of sugar (which comes in these myriad names: anything ending in “ose” such as sucrose, dextrose, fructose, maltose, as well as honey, syrup, molasses, evaporated cane juice, nectar, corn sweetener, etc., etc. are in a portion. Recommended daily intake of added sugar (for instance, read your juice label) runs around 6 teaspoons, or 24 grams. So…do the math…4 grams = 1 teaspoon. Sugar in all its forms will be on the food label in grams. So now that you know the math, look for those grams and calculate just how sweet you’re gonna be! Lula’s for Lunch…and More! Catering wishes for you a mucho honey filled life, without the grams!!