Lula's Memorial Day Meal Delivery (or Pick Up!) Menu Corona Love Week 10
Well, I said I was going to take a week off and I got absolutely NOTHING done (which is not a bad thing), and all I could think of was next week's menu. I got myself excited about BBQ and so there you have it. We are lovin' up on some Pork Shoulder (MANY pork shoulders!) and all the fixins' so all you have to do is kick back and sip a cool one.Click this MENU to check out Lula's southern take on Memorial Day. If your office or your family needs sustenance, you can’t get it from a safer place. I want to thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for giving me something tangible to labor over and get my zen on again this week!!Don't forget, it’s only me folks, THESE TWO HANDS along with my 90% isopropyl alcohol, and my bleach…and if you want, my mask, and my gloves too! If you're wondering how you can help battle this pandemic, don't worry - I'm helping for you - every time you order a portion of the proceeds goes to families in need! Last time The Women's Crisis Center enjoyed some delicious Poppyseed Chicken Casserole! With, in, and for love - Lula!
A Note From Chef ; 859-360-0251
This is a closeup of our Adult Mac 'n Cheese (with 6 cheese and a crunchy topping)'s on the Menu this week. You can choose this or a Loaded Baked Potato Salad to go with your Southern Green Beans and Daddy's Cole Slaw!Click here to visit our website!