Viagra for Lettuce!
OK, so you went to the store on Wednesday after work for the dinner you're throwing on Saturday (Soccer Thurs, Basebal Fri, Ballet Sat morning - UGH...) !! Saturday rolls around and the broccoli and carrots you bought are just FINE, but your lovely lettuce leaves are drab and wilted. Perk it UP, no worries! Tear your lettuce into the size you want it and throw it into a bath of iced water (cubes from freezer + half water. Store it in the fridge for 30 minutes and BAM! (thank you, Emeril) perky, ready for ACTION lettuce! Lift it out and place on a tea towel, gently roll it up to relieve the lettuce of its extra moisture, and lubricate with the dressing of your choice!! Happy crunching! BTW if you've heard somewhere that a bit of vinegar in the water helps, don't do it. Makes the lettuce taste "off". More tips and tidbits can be found weekly here.