Chill Out This Father's Day!
I grew up in Columbia, South Carolina. On any given day from the first of May through the end of October Columbia is the Devil's Armpit - but with record high's the past few years and 100+ degrees in MAY, my father is spending a lot of time indoors. Nothing says "Father's Day" like a big fat juicy steak for daddy - but this year I"m thinking maybe we could chill out with some variations on our traditional meat and potatoes. How about some Chilled Zucchini Cilantro Soup with Shrimp Garnish, a Black 'n Bleu Steak Salad and a Loaded Baked Potato Salad to fill you up, and a cooling piece of Strawberry-Pistachio Trifle to end things? Even if it IS 100 degrees this menu is sure to fill your heart and soul and cool you off!
A Note From Chef Lori
Our kitchen will be closed for Father's Day as I will be actually VISITING my daddy in the Devil's Armpit before I head to Atlanta for a training session taping - also called Hell's Kitchen - LITERALLY!!! PS...Ain't this Loaded Baked Potato Salad PURTY?!?Click here to visit our website! Lots of different Summer Salads to choose from!