OK, let's get all sciency about blueberries.  Because it's important.  Blueberries may just be the #1 Super Food...and we all need to take advantage of THAT!    Here are a couple of reasons why:

  1. Our bodies are incapable of producing several essential antioxidants, and you get a dose of all three of these when you eat a handful of blueberries:  Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and the mineral Manganese.
  2. Blueberries slow aging, fight disease, and provide the same bacteria blocking action that cranberries do to help prevent urinary tract infections.
  3. Compounds in blueberries help prevent all kinds of dementia.

Blueberries are available year round in the supermarket - no, they're not as fabulous as going out and picking them yourself in July, but you have NO EXCUSE to not eat them year round and HELP YOU BE A BETTER YOU!Lula's for Lunch...and More! Catering utilizes blueberries in salads, barbeque sauces, and of course, desserts, to give you a few ideas...while you're conjuring up your own please salivate to the picture of our Lemon Shortbread with Blueberry Floris Compote above!