
Thought for the day...


"If at first an idea doesn't seem totally absurd to you then there's no hope for it" - Albert Einstein

Another way, I guess, of telling us to "think outside the box"!!  In Lula's kitchen, we're always thinking outside the box (literally - no boxes here!!, AND figuratively) - who'da THUNK Trout, Wasabi and Champagne could come together DREAMILY... , or Chocolate, Beer, and Curry would make a fabulous dessert!!!!!  Both, tested true winners for Lula.

A contest:  Go to www.lulasforlunch.com , pick out any menu item that has a unique flavor profile to YOU, and submit the menu item back to Lula via email.   All submissions go into a hat and someone will be pulled back out a winner - with the ingredient combo published and an explanation of WHY the flavors work, and the winner will receive 20% off their next catering of $150.00 or more!!