OK, before we get to the grain...it's Organic Harvest Month! Tune in to ABC Channel 9 (WCPO) at 10AM today and learn different ways to celebrate from Lula!  Now...on to some MORE good stuff:

Fun, tasty other Grains that do contain some gluten:

Rye Berries - Low Gluten, one of my faves.  LOVES me some rye and pumpernickel breads!

Wheat Berries - This is the whole kernel with bran and germ intact.  Chewy, sweet, and nutty.

Barley - eat this hull-less or hulled, but not pearled - it contains more bran that way.

Farro - This is an ancient wheat grain that is great in salad and soup - you can even make "farroto" with it - in place of risotto … it's very creamy when the starch releases!

Freekeh (or Farika)  - This is smoked or roasted under-ripe wheat that makes an EXCELLENT alternative tabbouleh.

Spelt - This is a fun one - used in ALOT of our breads.  Spelt has a smooth shiny outer layer that stays intact when cooked.  Think Sautes.

There!  Get your HEALTHY grain on!  For more tips and tidbits click here .